Unsung Hero of the Gal Oya Project - Dr. Roman Szechowycz
Unsung Hero of the Gal Oya Project - Dr. Roman A. Szechowycz, Dr. Sc. (Eng), Hanover, M.A.S.C.E., M.I.E.C., A.M.I.C. E. (Information furnished by his son, Andreas, also an Engineer). Among the many foreign experts who worked for the Gal Oya Development Board at its inception was Dr. Roman A. Szechowycz, Engineer & the Chief Forest Officer, who played a key role in the project at the time. As was the practice then, some of these experts lived in the project area with their families, under the most difficult conditions, & Dr. Szechowycz too was with his family in the project. Dr. Roman & his colleagues Dr. Roman, Sabina Szechowycz & his staff ? , Dr. Roman, Andreas (partly covered) Dr. Roman with some villagers Dr. Szechowycz was ever willing to share with & impart his knowledge to others, & his publications & lectures, during his period of service (1950-1961) were as follows: Some of his contributions listed by him are as follow...